Slides > 320 colored photographs (2,4 x 3,5 cm each)
Between 2008 and 2011, I have systematically photographed the first call of every visitor who came into my tiny apartment, while I lived in Paris as a student. I’ve therefore compiled an archive of over 300 images, mostly of youngsters in relaxed poses, all of them standing at the same spot in the hallway, under a red sign which read, in Portuguese: APARELHO (device, apparatus.)
The name served as homage to the places used by several leftist groups as a meeting place as well as a temporary residence, during the confrontation with the Brazilian military dictatorship (1964-1985). And as homage to journey of my father, Silvio Jablonski, a 23-year-old engineering student who lived in one of these communist "apparatuses," until being taken in August 1971 during the military operation Operação Bandeirantes (OBAN) to the seat of DOI-CODI in São Paulo, where he would be arrested and tortured.
Through a mirror strategy, the works aims bringing to the present that fundamental correlation between youth’s individual experience and the collective awakening of a political awareness, which so profoundly marked the 1960’s and 1970’s. After all, the vast majority of the militants of the past was comprised of young people, in their mid-20s, and the time spent in those clandestine apartments also represented, for many of them, a first experience of freedom away from the repression in their own family homes.

of the work in the exhibition Elefante branco com paninho em cima,
Museum of Image and Sound, São Paulo, 2016
> 3 light tables (33 x 45 x 5,5 each), 03 magnifying glasses and 130 colored slides
> 3 light tables (33 x 45 x 5,5 each), 03 magnifying glasses and 130 colored slides

of the installation in the exhibition Homemade Mysteries at Galeria
Antonio Sibasolly, Anápolis, 2018
> 300 color slides, 2 metal boxes, 1 automatic slide projector, 2 copper tubes, 2 curtains, adhesive vinyl (variable dimensions)
> 300 color slides, 2 metal boxes, 1 automatic slide projector, 2 copper tubes, 2 curtains, adhesive vinyl (variable dimensions)