Solo exhibition curated by Bernardo Mosqueira,
Centro Cultural da Justiça Federal, Rio de Janeiro, BRA
25.06 to 16.09.2018

In (Still) Brazil, Daniel Jablonski gives shape to an extensive research on the representation Brazil in other cultures, chiefly in cinematographic works. The different works that make up the exhibition - audios, videos and objects - organically arranged around a collection of 250 stills (screen captures) from international action films from the most diverse eras and nationalities. The captured images, frozen at the moment when the words "Brazil" or "Brazilian" appear, do more than reinforce the clichés attributed to the country and what would be a supposed "Brazilianness". They highlight the fact that there isn't only one view of Brazil abroad, true or false, but an extensive diversity of possible representations, clichés with which the public can both identify and rethink their own identity.

+ Works > (Still) Brazil, 2017 – 2018

> Portuguese only
+ Critical reviews > S|Z, A exposição Still Brazil by curator Bernardo Mosqueira
+ Exhibition handout

photographs João Paulo Racy
portuguese proofreading
Mariana Moura
panel and folder layout
Ana Carolina Montenegro
Elizeu Paiva e equipe Blarte
thanks to 
Bernardo Mosqueira, Ana Luisa Chafir, Camila Goulart